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Thursday, June 27, 2013 coming in July!

Yes, I finally decided to open an "official" website:

Since I am still in the design phase, the website will be up and running by mid July (hopefully) and will have the following:

  • Reviews grouped by toy type
  • Free e-books / minitutorials about sex toys and how to use them
  • Articles and other stuff I find interesting...
Why a website? Well, for starters it is a lot easier to keep "archives" on a website since I can control directly the organization of the site. Also, Blogger is implementing new rules for adult-themed blogs and I don't want them to delete it due to a link. 

I plan to keep the blog mostly to comment on news or about new sex toys I see around.

If you have anything you would like to see on the website, let me know by commenting here, posting on Facebook or Tweeter. (Just remember - this is a hobby for me!)

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. A couple things I think would be interesting to see:

    1. Side by side comparisons of like products. Kind of like what you do on websites where you can directly compare products. A lot of these things all end up blurring together.

    2. Rankings by individual ratings that you gave. I.e. have a page that ranks everythhing by Immediate Feedback, and then a ranking by Orgasm Buildup, and then a ranking by Realism, etc. That way if I'm particularly interested in Maitenance, I can see how they rate.

    3. I'd like to be able to browse by types. If I'm interested in dolls, I'd go right to a page with all your doll reviews. Same with torsos, fleshlights, and so on.

    I know you do a bit of this already--I'd just like to see it expanded.

    As for the reviews: keep up the good work, and keep 'em coming.


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