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Monday, June 3, 2013

Coming Attractions!

Hey guys and gals, The Casquetero is still alive!

I had been very busy in the last few weeks - workplace audits, family issues, and apartment renovations - so I haven't took time to update the blog. Imagine...

Does that mean I had forgotten about adding toys to my collection? No... No... No! I got a few things I will be reviewing in the next few weeks (as soon my life gets back to normal).

Want to know? Let me tell you...

  • Tenga Flip Red
  • Air Usahane Pussy (Bitch)
  • Mood Pleaser Zig Zag
  • Mood Pleaser Tight 
  • Mood Pleaser Wave
  • Vibrators for men
  • More doll reviews
Also, I will begin to do video reviews in July... so stay tuned!


  1. Looking forward to it, particulaly the doll reviews. You don't see those much anywhere. Most blogs just discuss the high end silicones (e.g. Realdolls). A few of the sex-toy-centric blogs occasionally mention one, but they seem few and far between.

    1. I have three inflatable dolls to review - Yumi, Naughty Neiko, and the Nasty Busty. I tested them for a friend owning a sex shop, but I never published the reviews here. Also, I will be testing a solid small doll from 1am Dolls.

      Why blogs don't review sex dolls? Simple - most sex toy blogs are written by women. They don't like to write about a "substitute" to them! (LOL)


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